Uvavaiya Suttarm Sa. 42
____A god who has great fortune, great glow, great strength, great fame, great happiness and great heart, opens a box containing scented cream and moves round the whole of Jambūdvipa twenty-one times in as much time as is taken by two fingers rubbed together thrice to make a sound and returns quickly. Then Gautama, does that smell pervade the whole of Jambūdvipa ?
Gautama : Yes, it does.
Mahāvira : Gautama ! Does an ordinary man know and see that scented cream ?
Gautama :
No, that is not possible.
Mahavira : On the same ground, it has been said that an ordinary man does not know nor see the matter which is scattered in the process. This is so because matter is so minute and fine. And, oh long-lived monk, matter particles remain there touching the whole universe.
केवली समुद्घात का कारण . , Causes of Revali-Samudghāta
गौतम : कम्हा णं भंते ! केवली समोहणंति ? कम्हा णं केवली समुग्घायं गच्छंति ?
महावीर : गोयमा ! केवलीणं चत्तारि कम्मंसा अपलिक्खीणा भवंति । तं जहा-वेयणिज्ज आउयं णामं गुत्तं । सव्वबहुए से वेयणिज्जे कम्मे भवइ । सव्वत्थोवे से आउए कम्मे भवइ । विसमं समं करेइ बंधणेहिं ठिईहि य। विसमसमकरणयाए बंधणेहिं ठिईहि य एवं खलु केवली समोहणंति । एवं खलु केवली समुग्घायं गच्छंति ।