Uvavāiya Suttam Su. 42
( जम्बूद्वीप ) एक लाख योजन- प्रमाण लम्बा और चौड़ा है। इसकी परिधि तीन लाख सोलह हजार दो सौ सत्ताइस योजन तीन कोस एक सौ अट्ठाईस धनुष तथा साढ़े तेरह अंगुल से और कुछ अधिक बतलाई गई है।
Gautama : Bhante! Does a pure-hearted monk expand himself and be in touch with the entire universe through . kevali samudghāta ?
Mahāvīra : Yes, he does.
Gautama : Bhante! Is the entire universe covered by .. pudgala (matter) which is scattered in the process ?
Mahāvīra : Yes, it is.
Gautama : Bhante ! Is it possible for a novice (chadmastha), • who is not equipped with kevala-knowledge, to know and to see colour, smell, taste, touch of the scattered matter as above?
Mahāvira : No, it is not possible.
Gautama : Bhante! Why do you say so etc. ?
Mahāvīra : Gautama ! Jambudvipá, which is at the centre of all the isles (continents) and oceans and is the smallest, is round like a pūd (a sweet cake), like a chariot-wheel, like the central seed-stand of a lotus, like the full-moon. It has the dimension of 1 lakh yojanas in length as well as breadth, with a circumference which is slightly more than 3, 16, 227 yojanas, 3 krośas, 128 dhanus and 13 angulas (fingers ) .
देवेणं महिड्डीए महजुइए महम्ब के महाजसे महासुक्खे महाणुभावे सविलेवणं गंधसमुग्गयं गिण्हइ । गिण्हित्ता तं अवदाइ । अवदालिता जाव... इणामेवत्तिकट्टु केवलकप्पं जंबुद्दीवं तिहिं अच्छराणिवाएहिं तिसत्तखुत्तो अणुपरिअट्टित्ता णं हव्वमागच्छेज्जा । सेणू गोयमा ! से केवलकप्पे जंबुद्दीवे दीवे तेहिं घाणपोगले हिं फुडे ?