Uvavāiya Suttaṁ Sů. 41
के परीषह एवं देव, मनुष्य आदि कृत उपसर्ग आदि स्वीकार किये गये, उस लक्ष्य की आराधना पूरी कर के अपने अन्तिम उच्छ्वास-निःश्वास में सिद्ध होंगे, बुद्ध होंगे, मुक्त होंगे, परिनिवृत होंगें तथा सब दुःखों का अन्त करेंगे ॥१४॥४०॥
" Having lived as a kevalin for many years, the said Dşdhapratijña will undergo a month-long fast missing sixty meals without break, he will attain the supreme goal for which he had discarded his robes, tonsured his head, given up bath and cleaning his teeth, uprooting his hair from time to time, practising celibacy, not using umbrella, not using shoes, lying on the ground or on a piece of flat wood, visiting other people's home to beg food nomatter with what outcome or what sort of reception, bearing with patience the decrial of his birth and karma by others, openly or in their own mind, in the presence of others, chastisement, physical torture, defeat, terror created by people, and of course the twenty two hardships which are difficult for the sense organs to bear. Having pursued the goal worthily, he will breathe his last, be perfected and liberated, be withdrawn from the cycle of birth and death and end all misery. 14, 40
प्रत्यनीकों का उपपात
Rebirth of the Opponents
से जे इमे गामागर जाव...सण्णिवेसेसु पव्वइया समणा भवंति तं जहा-आयरियपडिणीया उवज्झायपडिणीया कुलपडिणीया गणपडिणीया आयरिय-उवज्झायाणं अयसकारगा अवण्णकारगा अकित्तिकारगा।
ये जो ग्राम, आकर-नमक आदि के उत्पत्ति-स्थान,...यावत् सन्निवेशझोपड़ियों से बस्ती, या सार्थवाह एवं सेना आदि के ठहरने के स्थान में