उववाइय सुत्तं सू० ३८
And then the Parivrājakas who live in a hamlet etc, of their own, such as the followers of Sankhya, Yoga, Kapila, Bhargava and many others living in mountain caves, hermitages, temples, etc., ,and visiting the villages for begging alms, the Paramahansas (living on the bank of the rivers or at places visited by others and having discarded their robes), the Bahīdakas (living one night in some village and upto five nights in some township), the Kuțīcaras ( who remain in the household but ever apart from anger, greed and attachment and reject pride ) and the Kęşņa Parivrājakas (devotees of Nārāyaṇa) including eight types of Brāhmaṇas, such as Krsna, Karakanda, Amvada, Parasara, Krsna, Dvipāyana, Devagupta and Nārada, and eight types of Ksatriya Parivrajakas, viz., Silai, Sasihara, Naggai, Bhaggai, Videha, Rāyārāya, Rāyārāma and Bala, who are versed in the four Vedas, the Rk, the Sama, the Yayur and the Atharva, the fifth history (Purana ) and Geneology, of which they know the essence, of which they have reached the end, and of which they are upholders, who are experts in Siksā, Kalpa, Vyakarana, Chanda, . Nirukta and Jyotisa, the six-fold Angas, the Sastitantra or Tantra, of Kapila, Ganita or knowledge of Numerals, the commentaries
of the Vedas known as the Bråhmands, in which they are — saturated..
.. ते णं परिव्वायगा दाणधम्मं च सोअधम्मं च तित्थाभिसेअं च आधवेमाणा पण्णवेमाणा परूवेमाणा विहरंति । जगणं अम्हे किंचि असुई भवति तण्णं उदएण य मट्टिआए अ पक्खालिअं सुई भवति । एवं खलु अम्हे चोक्खा चोक्खायारा सुई सुइसमायारा भवेत्ता अभिसेअजलपूअप्पाणो अविग्घेण सग्गं गमिस्सामो। तेसि •णं परिव्वायगाणे णो कप्पइ अगडं वा तलायं वा णाई वा वाविं वा पुक्खरिणीं वा दीहियं वा गुंजालि वा सरं वा सागरं वा ओगाहित्तए। णण्णत्थ अद्धाणगमणे ।