Uvavaiya Suttam Su. 31
युक्त थे। छोटी-छोटी घंटियों से युक्त जाल उन पर लगाए हुए थे, फैलाये हुए थे। उनमें हिमवान् पर्वत पर उत्पन्न हुए शीशम जाति के वृक्ष की स्वर्ण खचित लकड़ी लगी हुई थी। उन रथों के पहियों के घेरों पर कालायस (एक जाति का लोहा ) लोहे के पट्टे चढ़ाये हुए थे। उन रथों के पहियों की धुराएँ गोल थीं और सुन्दर सुदृढ़ बनी थीं। उनमें छंटे हुए, उत्तम जाति के घोड़े जुते हुए थे। सुयोग्य. सुशिक्षित सारथियों ने उन घोड़ों की बागडोर थाम रखी थी, सम्हाल रखी थी। वे बत्तीस तुणों--तरकशों से परिमण्डित-सुशोभित थे। उनमें कवच, शिरस्त्राण-शिरोरक्षक टोप, धनुष, वाण एवं अन्यान्य शस्त्र रखे हुए थे। इस प्रकार वे युद्ध-सामग्री से सुसज्जित थे।
Following the elephants there were 108 chariots. They were equipped with umbrellas, flags, bells, ensigns, gates and nandighoșa ( meaning notes from twelve types of musical instruments). They were covered with a netwosk of innumerable small bells. In their construction wood of the šišam variety from the Himalayan region covered with gold plates was used. The axels of the wheels were made of a type of iron called käläyasa and they were strongly fitted and looked very graceful. The wheels were nicely produced and were perfectly round, They were drawn by pdigree horses and their bridles were held by trained charioteers. They had thirtytwo types of quivers, armours protecting their chest, helmets protecting their heads. The chariots were full of weapons used in a war, such as, bows, arrows, axes, etc.
तयाऽणंतरं च णं असि-सत्ति-कोत-तोमर-सूल-लउड-भिडिमालधणु-पाणिसज्जं पायत्ताणीयं पुरओ अहाणुपुव्वीए संपट्ठिअं ।
____ उसके बाद हाथों में असि-तलवारें, शक्ति–त्रिशूलें, कुन्त--भालें, तोमर-लौहदण्ड, शूल, लट्ठियाँ, भिन्दिमाल--हाथ से फेंके जाने वाले