Uvavāiya Suttarh Su. 31
waist with an ornamented thread. Then he decorated his neck with a necklace and placed rings on his fingers. In this manner, his beautiful body was decorated with beautiful clothes and ornaments or his hairs and decorations were as graceful as those of a god named Lalitanga.
अहियरूव सस्सिरीए मुद्दिआपिंगलं लिए कुंडलउज्जोविआणणे.. उदित्तसिरए हारोत्ययसुकयरइयवच्छे । पालंबलंबमाणपडसुक य उत्तरिज्जे णाणा- मणि-कणग-रयण-विमल-महरिह- णिउणोवि अमिसिमिसंत- विरइय-सुसि-लिट्ठ - विसि - लट्ठ - आविद्ध- वीरवलए ।
इस प्रकार राजा की शोभा और भी अधिक बढ़ गई। सुवर्ण की अंगूठियों के कारण राजा की अंगुलियाँ पीली लग रही थीं । कुण्डलों की प्रभा से मुख चमक रहा था । मुकुट की कान्ति से मस्तक देदीप्यमान था । हारों के आच्छादन से उसका वक्षस्थल बड़ा ही मनोरम प्रतीत हो रहा था । राजा ( कूणिक ) ने एक लम्बे लटकते हुए अथवा झुम्बमान वस्त्र को उत्तरीय ( दुपट्टे ) के रूप में धारण किया । सुयोग्य शिल्पियों के द्वारा मणि, स्वर्ण, रत्न, इन सब के योग से सुरचित विमंल - उज्ज्वल, महाहं— महान् व्यक्तियों द्वारा धारण करने योग्य, सुश्लिष्ट - सुन्दर रूप से जोड़ युक्त, विशिष्ट - उत्कृष्ट, प्रशस्त - प्रशंसनीय आकृति से युक्त, वीरवलयवीरत्वसूचक कंकण धारण किया ।
In this way, the king added much to his physical glory. The glitter of the golden rings and ear-rings brightened his fingers and face. The brilliance of the crown made his forehead shine. His chest was beautified with a wilderness of garlands. Then he placed nicely on his shoulder a long shoulder-cloth hanging gracefully on both the sides. Then he placed round his wrists bracelets/ bangles made of gold and studded with gems and precious stones made by expert jewellers, with joints strongly. wrought, beautiful, shining and indicating the powerful (vigorous) wrists.