Uvavaiya Suttam si. 27
to go to Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra. This included the Ugras, the progeny of the Ugras, the Bhogas, the progeny of the Bhogas, the Rājanyas, the progeny of the Rājanyas, the Ksatriyas, the progeny of the Ksatriyas, the Brahmanas, the progeny of the Brāhmaṇas, heroes and their progeny, warriors and their progeny, readers of religious texts and their progeny, Mallakis and their progeny, Licchavis and their progeny, and many other chiefs, princes, nobles, māndavikas, kautumbikas, ivyas, śreșthis, army commanders, foreign traders, and so onsome to pay homage, some to worship, some to pay compliments, some to show him regard, some just to catch a glimpe, and some out of sheer curiosity.
अप्पेगइआ अट्ठविणिच्छ यहेउ. अस्सुयाइ सुणेस्सामो सुयाई निस्संकियाई करिस्सामो अप्पेगइआ अट्ठाई हेऊइं कारणाइं वागरणाई पुच्छिस्सामो।
उनमें कई एक जन अर्थ निश्चय हेतु-तत्त्व का यथार्थ निर्णय हेतु, अश्रुत-नहीं सुने हुए भाव को सुनेंगे, श्रुत-सुने हुए भावों को संशयरहित करेंगे, अर्थात् तद्गत संशय को जड़-मूल से दूर करेंगे। अनेक जन इस भाव से सोचकर जीव, अजीव आदि अर्थ, पदार्थों में रहे हुए धर्म और नहीं रहे हुए धर्म से सम्बन्धित ( अन्वय-व्यतिरेक ) हेतु-कारण (यक्तियुक्त तर्कसंगत व्याख्या ) और व्याकरण-दूसरों के द्वारा पूछे गये प्रश्नों के उत्तर पूछेगे-जिज्ञासा करेंगे ।
Some wanted to have some meaning clarified, some wanted to hear what they had never heard, some wanted to have their doubts clarified about what they had heard before. Some wanted to be clear about the fundamentals, such as, jiva, ajiva, about the nature of things, about logical interpretations, and about solutions given on the questions raised by others