उववाइय सुत्तं सू० २५ ..
123 प्रमोदपूर्ण काम-कलह, क्रीड़ा तथा तज्जनित कोलाहल में आनन्द लेते थे। वे बहुत हँसने वाले और बहुत बोलने वाले थे। वे अनेक मणियों तथा अनेक रत्नों से भिन्न-भिन्न रूप में निर्मित तरह-तरह के चिह्न धारण किये हुए थे। वे सुन्दर रूप से सम्पन्न तथा परम ऋद्धिशाली थे। शेष वर्णन पूर्व समागत देवों के समान है, यहाँ तक, वे उनकी पर्युपासना करने लगे, उनका सान्निध्य लाभ लेने लगे॥२४॥
They were fickle in their mind, always fond of jokes and games. They were addicted to laughter and gossip. They had interest in music and dancing. They wore wreaths, tiara, crown, ear-rings and many other ornaments, all made from wild flowers produced by their divine power. Their chests were decorated with very long garlands, also made from wild flowers of all seasons which were fragrant, delightful and fully blossomed. They were capable to go wherever they pleased and assume any form they desired. They had put on robes and dresses of diverse hues, all very gaúdy and conspicuous, as if they had assembled from many lapds. They took delight in games flaming up sex, in quarrels, in swimming with girls, and in simply making noise. They were talking and laughing much. They wore diverse marks which were decked with gems and precious stones. They had immense grace, immense fortune, till were worshipping him. . 24
ज्योतिष्क देवों का अवतरण
The Descent of Jyotişka Gods
तेणं कालेणं तेणं समएणं समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स जोइसिया देवा अंतिअं पाउन्भवित्था । विहस्सती चंद सूर सुक्क सणिच्चरा राहू धूमकेतू वुहा य अंगारका य तत्त-तवणिज्ज-कणग-वण्णा जे गहा जोइसंमि चारं चरंति । केऊ अ गइरइआ। अट्ठावीसविहा