उववाइय सुत्तं सू० २२
निष्फल बनाने वाले अर्थात् भय से अतीत, सचित्त -- जीव सहित, अचित्त - जीव रहित, मिश्रित - सचित्त - अचित्त - सजीव-निर्जीव मिले हुए द्रव्यों से विरक्त रहने वाले, संयत -- सम्यक् प्रयत्न वाले, विरत - हिंसा मृषावाद आदि से निवृत्त या तपः साधना में विशेष रूप से रत, मुक्त - राग और द्वेष रूप ग्रन्थि से छूटे हुए, लघुक – न्यूनतम उपकरण रखने वाले, निरवकांक्ष— आकांक्षा — इच्छा से रहित, साधु-मुक्ति की प्राप्ति हेतु साधना करने वाले, एवं निभृत - प्रशान्तवृत्ति से संयुक्त होकर धर्म की करते थे ॥२१॥
This boat which is restraint moves fast with the help of the wind which is wholesome meditation and penance. This boat has been filled up by the monks with jars containing activity (absence of idleness), karma exhaustion, endeavour, knowledge, faith, pure conduct - all essentials. Following the course indicated by the Jinas, these great Sramaņa merchants are moving very fast in their boat which is restraint with their faces turned towards the great port which is perfection. These monks were the masters of right texts. Their talk was pleasant as their questions were intelligent and they cherished a decent hope. While in a village, they spent one night there, and five nights when in a town, conquerors of senses, wholly free from fear, destroying the very possibility of the genesis of fear, totally detached to all forms of life, to non-life (matter), life-non-life, restrained, desisted, tie-free, with little possession, without hankering, covetous of liberation, calm, they led a spiritual life. 21
असुरकुमार देवों का अवतरण
The Descent of the Asurakumāra Gods
तेणं कालेणं तेणं समएणं समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स बहवे असुरकुमारा देवा अंतिअं पाउब्भवित्था । काय - महाणील - सरिस -