Uvaraiya Suttam sa. 20
kramana or self-confession of lapses pertaining to samitis and guptis, a combination of the two, (in case there is an evil dream which may have defiled a great vow) atonement through renunciation or non-use, käyotsarga or causing hardship to the body (through the control of respiration so that even the bodysense ceases), atonement by external penance like fasting, demotion in seniority in the order of monks, fresh initiation, temporarily cutting off relation with the body of monks till one has performed the penance (during which period one is neither a full monk nor returned to the household order) and performing a prescribed penance after cutting off relation with the order of monks. Such are the atonements.
से किं तं विणए ?
विणए सत्तविहे पण्णत्ते । तं जहा–णाणविणए दंसणविणए चरित्तविणए मणविणए वइविणए कायविणए लोगोवयारविणए ।
वह विनय क्या है ? उसके कौन-कौन से भेद हैं ?
विनय सात प्रकार का बतलाया गया है। वह इस प्रकार है : (१) ज्ञान विनय, (२) दर्शन विनय, (३) चारित्र विनय, (४) मनो विनय, (५) वचन विनय, (६) काय विनय, (७) लोकोपचार विनय ।
What is humility ?
It has seven types, viz., humility of knowledge, humility of faith, humility of conduct, humility of mind, humility of words, humility of body and bumility in behaving with others.
से किं तं णाणविणए ? .... णाणविणए पंचविहे पण्णत्ते । तं जहा-आभिणिबोहियणाण