धीप्सति । स्त्रप् - सुषुप्सति । ह्वे – जुहूषति । सिव् — सिषेविषति । द्रुह् - धुक्षति, दुदुद्दिषति, दुद्रोहिषति । मुह् — मुमुक्षति, मुमुहिपति, मुमोहिषति । etc.
Irregularities :— जि - जिगीषति । हन्– जिघांसति । द्युत् – दिद्युतिपते, दिद्योतिपते । मा — मित्सति - ते । दा - दित्सति । धा- वित्सति । रभ् रिप्सते । लभ्- लिप्सते । शक्― शिक्षति | पत्— पित्सति, पिपतिपति । पद् पिन्स । आप्— ईप्सते । तन्— तितनिषति, तितंसति, तितांसति । प्रति+इ— प्रतीविषति । इ 'to go ' - जिगमिषति । अधि + इ - अधिजिगांसते । हिजिधीपति । नृत् — विवृत्सति, विवर्तिषते । ज्ञा - जिज्ञासते । etc.
For the Desiderative forms of other roots (3rd per. sing. Present) students should consult the list given at the end of this part.
Note (1) Desiderative nouns denoting the act or action:These are formed by adding to the Desiderative base ;e. g. desire, to drink', i. c. thirst; desire to know', i. e. curiosity; desire to do '; - desire to eat', i. e. hunger; and so on.
(2) Desiderative nouns These are obtained by siderative base to 3; e. g. faning: 'desirous of going', ing (the sea).
denoting the agent of the action:changing the final a of the De:-' one desirous of drinking';. (int) aag: desirous of cross
( 4 ) Prequentative ( पौनःपुन्यार्थक or अतिशयार्थक ):
A Frequentative verb may be derived from any root of the first nine conjugations which has only one syllable and which begins with a consonant. It shows that a person or thing does the action denoted by the verb frequently or repeatedly.
The Frequentative base is obtained in two ways each requiring a peculiar reduplication of the root. When the base ends it is conjugated in the Atmanepada only, but otherwise. it is conjugated in the Parasmaipada and in various ways.