Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 9 Ch. 32
Mahävira--Gängeya ! All of them may be lodged among one-organ beings, or among one-organ and two-organ beings, and so on, as the optimum distribution in the hells. Also state, without excluding one-organ beings, forms of their distribution among two, three, four and five-organ beings, till all among one-organ beings, or among two-organ beings, till among five-organ beings.
गांगेय-एयस्स णं भत! एगिदियतिरिक्खजोणियपवेसणगस्स जाव... पंचिंदिय तिरिक्खजोणियपवेसगगस्स य कयरे कयरे जाव.. विसेसाहिया वा ?
Gangeya-Bhante ! Between the five types, in which is the entry more, in which less, in which similar and in which especially more ?
महावीर-गंगेया ! सव्वत्थोवे पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियप्पवेसणए चउरिदियतिरिक्खजोणियपवेसणए विसेसाहिए तेइंदिय विसेसाहिए बेइंदिय विसेसाहिए एगिदियतिरिक्ख विसेसाहिए।
Mahävira-Gāngeya ! Smallest in number are those entering among the five-organ beings. Especially more are those entering among the four-organ beings. Especially more are those entering among the three-organ beings. Especially more are those entering among the two-organ beings. And especially more are those entering among the one-organ beings.
गांगेय-मणुस्सपवेसणए णं भंते ! कइविहे पण्णत्ते ?
Găngeya-Bhante ! How many are the types of entrance into the world of men ?
महावीर-गंगेया ! दुविहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा-समुच्छिममणुस्सप्पवेसणए गब्भवक्कंतियमणुस्सप्पवेसणए य ।
Mahävira-Gāngeya ! One without mating by parents and another from the mother's womb.