Bhagavati Satra Bk. 11 Ch. 10
199 A. 59. Gautama ! It is tripod in shape. प्रश्न ६०-तिरियलोयखेत्तलोए णं भंते ! किंसंठिए पण्णत्ते ? . .
Q. 60. Bhante ! What is the shape of the world as space in the middle ?
उत्तर ६०-गोयमा ! झल्लरिसंठिए पण्णत्ते।
A. 60. Gautama ! It is round like the (jhilar).
metallic drum
प्रश्न ६१-उड्डलोयखेत्तलोए पुच्छा ?
Q. 61. Bhante ! What is the shape of the world as space high up ?
उत्तर ६१-उड्डमुइंगाकारसंठिए पण्णत्ते ।
A. 61. Gautama | It is like a drum called mrdanga.
प्रश्न ६२-लोए णं भंते ! किंसंठिए पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 62. Bhante ! What is the shape of the universe as a whole ?
उत्तर ६२-गोयमा ! सुपइट्ठगसंठिए लोए पण्णत्ते तंजहा-हेट्ठा विच्छिण्णे मज्भे संखित्ते जहा सत्तमसए पढमुद्देसए जाव...अंतं करेइ ।
___A. 62. Gautama ! The universe as a whole has the shape of a wine cup turned upside down and another placed on it, wide at the bottom, slender in the middle, etc., as described in the Book Seven Chapter One. This universe is wellknown to the masters of knowledge and faith, who are later perfected, till end all misery.
प्रश्न ६३-अलोए णं भंते ! सिंठिए पण्णत्ते ? .