Bhagavati Satra Bk. 11 Ch. 1
उत्तर २४–गोयमा ! असीती भंगा।
A. 24. Gautama ! The same eighty forms as before.
प्रश्न २५-ते णं भंते ! जीवा किं इत्थिवेयगा पुरिसवेयगा णपुसगवेयगा?
Q. 25. Bhante ! Are they women, are they men, are they ennuchs ?
उत्तर २५ --गोयमा ! णो इत्थिवेयगा णो पुरिसवेयगा णपुंसगवेयए वा णपुंसगवेयगा वा।
A. 25. Gautama ! They are neither women, nor men, but one or many, all are eunuchs.
प्रश्न २६-ते णं भंते ! जीवा किं इथिवेयबंधगा पुरिसवेयबंधगा णपुसगवेयबंधगा ?
Q. 26. Bhante ! Do they acquire the experiences of a woman, of a man or of an eunuch ?
उत्तर २६-गोयमा ! इथिवेयबंधए वा पुरिसवेयबंधए वा णपुंसगवेयबंधए वा छव्विसं भंगा।
A. 26. Gautama !. They acquire the experiences of a woman, of a man as well as of an eunuch, 26 forms as in the case of usväsa dvåra.
प्रश्न २७ ते णं भंते ! जीवा कि सण्णी असण्णी ?
Q.27. Bhante ! mind ?
Are they endowed with a mind or with no.
उत्तर २७-गोयमा ! णो सण्णी असण्णी वा असण्णीणो वा ।
A. 27. Gautama ! They are not endowed with a mind, and no matter whether one or many, they are without mind.