भगवती सूत्रम् शः ११ उ: १
A. 15. Gautama ! They are not endowed with the activity of the mind nor with the activity of the speech, and no matter whether one or many, all are endowed with the activity of the body.
प्रश्न १६ – ते णं भंते! जीवा किं सागारोवउत्ता अणागारोवउत्ता ? Q. 16. Bhante ! Are the souls in an Utpala endowed with faculty of knowledge or of faith?
उत्तर १६ - गोयमा ! सागारोवउत्ते वा अणागारोवउत्ते वा अट्ठ भंगा ।
A. 16. Gautama ! One of them may be endowed with the faculty of knowledge, or one of them may be endowed with the faculty of faith, et seq., eight forms as before.
प्रश्स १७ - तेसि णं भंते ! जीवाणं सरीरगा कइवण्णा कइगंधा कइरसा कइफासा पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 17. Bhante ! of these souls in tastes and how many
How many are the colours of the bodies an Utpala, how many smells, how many touches ?
उत्तर १७ – गोयमा ! पुण अप्पणा अवण्णा अगंधा अरसा अफासा पण्णत्ता ।
पंचवण्णा पंचरसा दुगंधा अट्ठफासा पण्णत्ता । ते
A. 17. Gautama | Five colours, five tastes, two smells, and eight touches, but the souls themselves do not have any colour, smell, taste or touch.
प्रश्न १८ - ते णं भंते ! जीवा कि उस्सासमा निस्सासगा णोउस्सासणिस्सासगा ?
Q. 18. Bhante ! Are these souls in an Utpala endowed with the faculty of usvasa ( a form of respiration), are they endowed with the faculty of niśvāsa (normal respiration) or are they endowed with the faculty of no-uśvāsa-niśvāsa (when the souls are not endowed with full attainments) ?