छट्टओ उद्देसो
Chapter Six
[ Council of Sakrendra ]
प्रश्न ४६ – कहि णं भंते ! सक्कस्स देविंदस्स देवरण्णो सभा सुहम्मा पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 46. Bhante ! Where is the Sudharma council of Sakrendra ?
उत्तर ४६ - गोयमा ! जंबुद्दी वे दीवे मंदरस्स पव्वयस्स दाहिणेणं इमीसे रयणप्पभाए एवं जहा रायप्पसेणइज्जे जाव... . पंच वडेंसगा पण्णत्ता तं जहाअसोगवडेंसए जाव... मज्झे सोहम्मवडेंसए । से णं सोहम्मवडेंसए महाविमाणे अद्धतेरसजोयणसय सहस्साइं आयामविक्खंभेणं
एवं जह सूरिया तव माणं तहेव उववाओ । सक्कस् य अभिसेओ तहेव जह सुरियाभस्स ॥ १ ॥
अलंकार अच्चणिया तहेव जाव... आयरक्खति । दो सागरोवमाइं ठीई ।
A. 46. Gautama ! To the south of Mt. Meru Jambudvipa, at a distance of crores of yojanas of beautiful landscape similar to Ratnaprabhā, at a high altitude, it is located in a heaven named Saudharma, as given in Rājapraśnīya Sūtra, till Saudharma which has two avataṁśakavimānas on one side and another two on the other side, total five vimānas. Its dimension is twelve and a half lakh yojanas in length and similar yojanas in breadth. His genesis, coronation, decorations, etc., till his body-guards are similar to that of a god named Suryabha. Śakrendra has a life-span of two sāgaras.