Bhagavati Satra Bk. 10 Ch. 5
थे. भ.-ईसाणस्स णं भंते ! देविदस्स सोमस्स महारण्णो कइ अग्गमहिसीओ पुच्छा ?
Monks-Bhante ! How many are the principal consorts of his Lokapāla Soma, the lord of the direction ?
भ. म.-अज्जो ! चत्तारि अग्गमहिसीओ पण्णत्ताओ तं जहा-पुढवी राई रयणी विज्जू । तत्थ णं सेसं जहा सकस्स लोगपालाणं एवं जाव...वरुणस्स णवरं विमाणा जहा चउत्थसए सेसं तं चेव जाव...णो चेव णं मेहुणवत्तियं।
Mahāvira-- Aryas ! He has four, similar to those of Sakrendra's Lokapāla, except that their heavenly seats are similar to those as described in Chapters One, Two, Three and Four. The rest as before, till they cannot indulge in sex behaviour there.
-सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! त्ति।
-- Bhante ! So they are. You are right.
पंचमो उद्देसो समत्तो।
Chapter Five ends.