Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 10 Ch. 6
प्रश्न ४७-सक्केणं भंते ! देविदे देवराया केमहिड्डिए जाव...केमहासोक्खे।
Q. 47. Bhante ! What is the size of Sakrendra's fortune and what is the extent of his happiness ?
उत्तर ४७-गोयमा ! महिड्डिए जाव...महासोक्खे। से गं तत्थ बत्तीसाए विमाणावाससयसहस्साणं जाव...विहरइ एवं महिड्डिए जाव... महासोक्खे सक्के देविदे देवराया ।
A. 47. Gautama ! He commands a huge fortune and is immensely happy. He is the master of 32 lakh heavenly seats. He has a great fortune and a great happiness in which he lives.
-सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! त्ति ।
-Bhante ! So they are. You are right.
छट्ठो उद्देसो समत्तो। Chapter Six ends.