Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 10 Ch. 4
A. 38. Gautama ! In that period, at that time, there was a small town named Vibhela in Bharatkşetra in Jambudvipa. In that town, there lived thirty-three followers, etc., all as stated before, till were born gods till Bhante! Does it mean that Valindra acquired these thirty-three only after the thirty three followers at Vibhela had passed away ? till No, that is not correct. They are eternal, till while one group checks out, another group checks in, there being no vacancy at any time.
प्रश्न ३९ - अत्थि णं भंते ! धरणस्स नागकुमारिदस्स नागकुमाररण्णो तायत्तीसगा देवा ?
Q. 39. Bhante ! Does Dharana, the Nagakumārenda, the Indra of the Nagas, their king, has thirty three gods under him ?
उत्तर ३९ - हंता अत्थि ।
A. 39. Yes, Gautama! He has.
प्रश्न ४० - से केणट्टेणं जाव... तायत्तीसगा देवा तायत्तीसगा देवा ?
Q. 40. Bhante !
How do you say so ?
उत्तर ४० – गोयमा ! धरणस्स नागकुमारिदस्स नागकुमाररण्णो तायत्तीसगाणं देवाणं सासए णामधेज्जे पण्णत्ते जं ण कयाई णासी जाव.. अणे चयंति अण्णे उववज्जंति । एवं भूयानंदस्स वि एवं महाघोसस्स ।
A. 40. Gautama! The thirty-three gods of Dharana, the Indra of the Nagakumāras, their king, are also eternal so that it is not that they were not there or that they will not be there, while one group checks out, another group checks in, there being no vacancy at any time. The same holds good of the thirty-three gods of Bhūtānanda, Indra.
till of Mahaghoṣa