भगवती सूत्रम् शः १० उ: ३
प्रश्न २९-जाव...महिड्डिया वेमाणिणी अप्पड्डियस्स वेमाणियस्स मज्झमझेणं वीइवएज्जा ?
Q. 29. Bhante ! Can a superior Vaimaanika goddess pass exactly through the middle of an inferior Vaimānika god ?
उत्तर २९-हंता वीइवएज्जा ।
A. 29. Yes, Gautama ! She can.
प्रश्न ३०–अप्पड्डिया णं भंते ! देवी महड्डियाए देवीए मज्झमज्झेणं वीइवएज्जा ?
Q. 30. Bhante! Can an inferior goddess pass exactly through the middle of a superior goddess ?
उत्तर ३०-णो इण? सम? । एवं समड्डिया देवी समड्डियाए देवीए तहेव महिड्डिया वि देवी अप्पड्डियाए देवीए तहेव । एवं एक्केक्के तिणि तिण्णि आलावगा भाणियव्वा ।
A. 30. Gautama ! No, she cannot. Repeat what is stated above in case of two goddesses with similar power, also in case of a superior goddess with an inferior goddess. Thus three forms have to be repeated in each case.
प्रश्न ३१-जाव...महड्डिया णं भंते ! वेमाणिणी अप्पड्डियाए वेमाणिणीए मज्झमज्झेणं वीइवएज्जा ?
Q. 31. Can a superior Vaimanika goddess pass exactly through the middle of an inferior Vaimānika goddess ?
उत्तर ३१-हंता वीइवएज्जा। A. 31. Yes, Gautama ! She Can. प्रश्न ३२-सा भंते ! कि विमोहित्ता पभू ?
Q. 32. Bhante ! Does she go by hypnotising her before or does she hypnotise her afterwards ?