Bhagavati Satra Bk. 10 Ch. 3
A. 25. Gautama ! No, he cannot. The three considerations which, apply to ordinary gods also hold good of Asurakumāras, till Stanitkumāras, Vāņavyantaras, Jyotişkas and Vaimānikas.
प्रश्न २६--अप्पड्डिए णं भंते! देवे महिड्डियाए देवीए मज्झमझेणं वीइवएज्जा? ___Q. 26. Bhante ! Can an inferior god pass exactly through the middle of a superior goddess ?
उत्तर २६--णो इण? समठ्ठ ।
A. 26. Gautama !
No, he cannot.
प्रश्न २७-समड्डिए णं भंते देवे समड्डियाए देवीए मज्झमज्झेणं ?
Q. 27. Bhante ! Can a god pass exactly through the middle of a goddess with similar power ?
उत्तर २७-एवं तहेव देवेण य देवीए य दंडओ भाणियव्वो जाव.... वेमाणियाए।
A. 27. Gautama ! As in the case of two gods with similar powers and like this, till the Vaimānikas.
देवि महड्डियस्स
देवस्स मज्झं
प्रश्न २८-अप्पड्डिया णं भंते ! मज्झेणं?
Q. 28. Bhante ! Can an inferior goddess pass exactly through the middle of a superior god ?
उत्तर २८-एवं एसो वि तईओ दंडओ भाणियब्वो।
A. 28. Gautama ! No, she cannot, and repeat the same ja all cases, till a superior Vaimānika goddess can pass axactly through the middle of an inferior Vaimānika god.