तईओ उद्देसो
Chapter Ihree
रायगिहे जाव...एवं वयासीIn the city of Rājagļha, till made the following submission :
[ Power of Gods]
देवे जाव...चत्तारि पंच देवावासंतराई
प्रश्न १७-आईड्डीए णं भंते ! वीइक्कते तेण परं परिड्डीए ?
Q. 17. Bhante ! Is it correct that a god crosses through four or five heavenly abodes by dint of his own power, and beyond that he does by dint of assumed power (i.e., power to transform) ?
. उत्तर १७ --हंता गोयमा! आयड्डीए णं तं चेव । एवं असुरकुमारे वि णवरं असुरकुमारावासंतराई सेसं तं चेव। एवं एएणं कमेणं जाव... थणियकुमारे एवं वाणमंतरे जोइसवेमाणिए जाव...तेण परं परिड्डीए ।
A. 17. Gautama ! He does go upto four or five heavenly abodes by dint of his own power and beyond that by dint of assumed power. The same holds of Asurakumāras, exception being that they cross through the abodes of Asurakumāras by dint of their own power. The rest as aforesaid, i.e. till Stanitkumāras, Vanavyantaras, Jyotiskas and Vaimānikas cross through four or five heavenly abodes by dint of their own power, and beyond that by dint of assumed power.
प्रश्न १८-अप्पड्डीए णं भंते ! देवे से महड्डियस्स देवस्स मज्झमज्झेणं वीइवएज्जा?
Q. 18. Bhante ! Can-an- inferior god pass through a superior God ?