भगवती सूत्रम् शः १० उ: १
धम्मत्थि कायस्स एसा । एवं अहम्मत्थिकायस्स वि जाव... आगासत्थिकायस्स एसा अद्धासमए । विदिसासु गत्थि जीवा । देसे भंगो य होइ सव्वत्थ ।
A. 6. Gautama ! Not a jiva, but a portion of a fiva, space-points of a ji a, a non-jīva, a portion of a non-jiva as well as space-points of a non-jiva. Those who have portions of a jiva have, as a rule, a portion of one-organ beings or many portions of one-organ beings or one portion of a twoorgan being, or many portions of one-organ beings and many portions of a two-organ being, or many portions of oneorgan beings and many portions of many two-organ beings, or many portions of one-organ beings and one portion of a three-organ being. These three forms hold good of threeorgans beings, and the same three hold good in each subsequent case, till non-organ (omniscient) beings. Coming to the space points of a jīva, they are, as a rule, the spacepoint of an one-organ being, or many space-points of oneorgan beings or many space-points of a two-organ being, or many space-points of one-organ beings of many space-points of many two organ beings. For all subsequent cases, till non-organ (omniscient) beings, take out the first form and state the next two. Non-jivas may be with a form or without a form. Those with a form may be skandha, till paramāņu pudgala. Those without a form are seven viz., not motion-that-be, but a portion there of, space-points there of and likewise with rest-that-be, till space-points of spacethat-be and limitless time. In the angular direction, there is no jiva. Hence relevant are the forms of a portion of a jiva and its space-points.
प्रश्न ७ -- जमा णं भंते ! दिसा कि जीवा ?
Q. 7. Bhante Is south in the form of a jīva, etc. ?
उत्तर ७- -जहा इंदा तहेव णिरवसेसा । णेरई य जहा अग्गेयी । वारुणी जहा इंदा । वायव्वा जहा अग्गेयी । सोमा जहा इंदा । ईसाणी जहा अग्गेयी । विमलाए जीवा जहा अग्गेयीए । अजीवा जहा इंदा । एवं तमा ए वि णवरं अरुवि छव्विहा अद्धासमयो ण भण्णइ ।