Bhagavati Sotra Bk. 10 Ch. 1
A. 7. Gautama ! South is like the east, south-west is like east-south. West is like the east, west-north is like eastsouth. North is like the east, north-east is like east-south. Region above is like east-south so far as jivas are concerned and like the east regarding non-jīvas. So also is the region below, exception being that here non-jivas without a form are of six types only, there being no time factor.
[ Body]
प्रश्न ८-कइ णं भंते ! सरीरा पण्णत्ता ?
Q. 8. Bhante ! How many types of body are there ?
उत्तर ८-गोयमा! पंच सरीरा पण्णत्ता तं जहा-ओरालिए जाव... कम्मए।
A. 8. Gautama ! Five, gross, till kārman. प्रश्न ९-ओरालियसरीरे णं भंते ! कइविहे पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 9. Bhante !
How many types are the gross bodies ?
उत्तर ९–एवं ओगाहणासंठाणं णिरवसेसं भाणियब्वं जाव...अप्पाबहुगं ति।
A. 9. Gautama ! On this refer to the Chapter on body forms in the Prajñåpand Sūtra, till more or less.
-सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! ति ।
-Bhante ! So it is. You are right.
पढमो उद्देसो समत्तो। Chapter One ends.