Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 7 Ch. 9
Mahāśilākanţaka battle, except that the royal elephant now was named Bhutānanda. Sakra, the king of the gods, was at the head of Konika's army, till the rest as aforesaid. The Lord of the Asuras, Camara, transformed as an iron wall, took care of the rear. In this manner, this time, three Indras were fighting on one side, the Indra of the gods, the Indra of men and the Indra of the asuras.
प्रश्न १४८–से केणठेणं भंते ! एवं वुच्चइ रहमुसले संगामे ?
Q. 148. Bhante ! Why is the battle called Rathamūşala ?
उत्तर १४८-गोयमा ! रहमुसले णं संगामे वट्टमाणे एगे रहे अणासए असारहिए अणारोहए समुसले महया जणक्खयं जणवहं जणप्पमदं जणसंवटकप्पं रुहिरकद्दमं करेमाणे सव्वओ समंता परिधावित्था। से तेणठेणं जाव... रहमुसले संगामे।
A. 148. Gautama ! When this battle was raging in its utmost fury, chariots, horses and charioteers were flying helplessly in all directions in a disorderly manner, killing men, destroying men, annihilating men, doing a tremendous bavoc and making the soil muddy with human blood. Hence it is so called.
प्रश्न १४६-रहमुसले णं भंते ! संगामे वट्टमाणे कइ जणसयसाहस्सीओ वहियाओ?
Q. 149. Bhante ! How many hundred thousand men were killed in the battle ?
उत्तर १४६-गोयमा ! छण्ण उइ जणसयसाहस्सीओ वहियाओ।
A. 149. Gautama ! Ninety-six hundred thousand in a clean sweep:
प्रश्न १५० ते णं भंते ! मणुया णिस्सीला जाव...उववण्णा ?
Q. 150. Bhante! These men being devoid of conduct, till fast, where have they been reborn ?