Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 7 Ch. 6
and gloomy. Because of the hardness of the time, the rains will be too cold and the sun too hot. There will be heavy and short showers from clouds which will pour bad water, uncongenial water, alkaline water, sour water, pungent water, boiling water, electrified water, poisoned water, water containing snow-balls, water smashing rocks, water unfit for drinking, water incapable to quench thirst, water generating diseases, ailments and pain, water shaking the nerves. Such heavy and short showers will be associated with terrific blows of wind, because of which many human beings, living in villages, mines, towns, till hermitages, many quadruped animals and birds, many mobile animals living in villages and forests and many varieties of trees, herbs, creepers plants, grass, hay, canes, paddy, sprouts, fodder etc., and all other types of flora will be destroyed. Leaving aside. the Vaitadhya mountain, all other mountains, hillocks, mounds, flat soil, deserts, etc., will be destroyed. Leaving aside the Ganga and the Sindhu, all other rivers, fountains, ditches, tanks, ponds, etc., will be destroyed. All the land areas, accessibie and inaccessible, high and low, will become flat.
प्रश्न ९७ - तीसे णं समाए भारहवासस्स भूमीए केरिसए आयारभावपडोयारे भविस्सइ ?
Q. 97. Bhante ! What will be the shape of the landsurface in Bharatavarșa?
उत्तर ९७ - गोयमा ! भूमी भविस्सइ इंगालब्भूया मुम्मुरब्भूया छारियभूया तत्तकवेल्लयन्भूया तत्तसमजोइभूया धूलिबहुला रेणुबहुला पंकबहुला पणगबहुला चलदिबहुला बहूणं धरणिगोयराणं सत्ताणं दुष्णिकम्मा यावि भविस्सइ ।
A. 97. Gautama ! The land-surface in Bharatavarşa will be ablaze like fire, like burning cow-dung cake, like burning ashes, like a hot cauldron, like a burning flame, full of dust, full of dirt, full of mud, full of moss, extremely slippery. The living beings inhabiting this earth will find it extremely difficult to pace on it.