भगवती सूत्रम्सः ७ उः २ उत्तर ४१-गोयमा ! सव्वत्थोवा जीवा सव्वमूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी देसमूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी असंखेज्जगुणा अपच्चक्खाणी अणंतगुणा। एवं अप्पाबहुगाणि तिणि वि जहा पढमिल्लए दंडए णवरं सव्वत्थोवा पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणिया देसमूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी अपच्चक्खाणी असंखेज्जगुणा ।
A. 41. Gautama ! Smallest in number are those who are renounced of the whole mülaguna ; innumerable times more are those renounced of a part thereof ; and infinitely more are those without renunciation. This holds gopd, more or less, of the three species, exception being the five-organ sub-human beings, in which case, (as aforesaid), smaller in number are those renounced of a part mülaguna, (not the whole), and innumerable times more than these are those without renunciation.
प्रश्न ४२-जीवा णं भंते! किं सव्वुत्तरगुणपच्चक्खाणी देसुत्तरगुणपच्चक्खाणी अपच्चक्खाणी ?
Q. 42. Bhante ! Are the living beings renounced of the whole uttaraguna, or a part thereof, or are they without renunciation ? .
उत्तर ४२-गोयमा! जीवा सव्वुत्तरगुणपच्चक्खाणी वि तिण्णि वि। पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणिया मणुस्सा य एवं चेव । सेसा अपच्चक्खाणी जाव... वेमाणिया ।
A. 42. Gautama ! They may be all the three. This holds of the sub-human and human beings. The rest, till the Vaimānikas, are without renunciation,
प्रश्न ४३-एएसि णं भंते ! जीवाणं सव्वुत्तरगुणपच्चक्खाणीणं...? Q, 43. And how about their distribution ? उत्तर ४३-अप्पाबहुगाणि तिण्णि वि जहा पढमे दंडए जाव...मणुस्साणं।
A. 43. More or less the same three as in statement one, till human beings.