Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 7 Ch. 2
उत्तर ३८-गोयमा ! जीवा सव्वमूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी देसमूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी अपच्चक्खाणी वि ।
A. 38. Gautama ! The living beings are renounced of the whole mülaguna, also of a part thereof ; they are also without renunciation.
प्रश्न ३९-रईयाणं-पुच्छा ? Q. 39. How about the infernal beings ?
उत्तर ३९ - णेरइया णो सव्वमूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी णो देसमूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी अपच्चक्खाणी। एवं जाव...चउरिंदिया।.
A. 39. Gautama ! The infernal beings are neither renounced of the whole mülaguņa, nor of a part ; they are without renunciation. And this holds, till four-organ beings.
प्रश्न ४०-पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणियाणं---पुच्छा ?
Q. 40. And how about the five-organ sub-human beings ?
उत्तर ४०-गोयमा ! पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणिया णो सव्वमूलगुणपच्चकखाणी देसमूलगुणपच्चक्खाणी वि अपच्चक्खाणी वि। मणुस्सा जहा जीवा। वाणमंतर-जोइस-वेमाणिया जहा णेरइया ।
A. 40. Gautama ! The five-organ sub-human beings are not renounced of the whole mūlaguna, but are renounced of a part of it, and are also without renunciation. Men are like ordinary beings and the Vāņavyantaras, the Jyotişkas and the Vaimānikas are like the infernal beings.
प्रश्न ४१-एएसि णं भंते ! जीवाणं सव्वमूलगुणपच्चक्खाणीणं देसमूलगुणपच्चक्खाणीणं य कयरे कयरेहितो जाव...विसेसाहिया वा ? . • Q. 41. Bhante ! Of the living beings renounced of the whole mülaguna, of a part thereof and those without renunciation, which ones are less, more, equal and especially more ?