Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 7 Ch. 2
प्रश्न ४४-जीवा णं भंते ! किं संजया असंजया संजयासंजया ?
Q. 44. unrestrained part)?
Bhante! Are the living beings restrained, or restrained-unrestrained (i.e., restrained in
उत्तर ४४-गोयमा! जीवा संजया वि असंजया वि संजयासंजया वि तिण्णि वि! एवं जहेव पण्णवणाए तहेव भाणियव्वं जाव...वेमाणिया। अप्पाबहुगं तहेव तिण्ह वि भाणियव्वं ।
A. 44. Gautama ! They are all the three, viz., restrained, unrestrained, restrained unrestrained. Repeat on this topic what is contained in the Prajñāpaņá Sutra (Pada 32), till the Vaimānikas. Their distribution as aforesaid.
प्रश्न ४५-जीवा णं भंते ! किं पच्चक्खाणी अपच्चक्खाणी पच्चक्खाणापच्चक्खाणी?
Q. 45. Bhante ! Are the living beings renounced, unrenounced or renounced-unrenounced, (i.e., renounced in part) ?
उत्तर ४५-- गोयमा ! जीवा पच्चक्खाणी वि तिणि वि । एवं मणुस्सा वि तिण्णि वि। पंचिंदियतिरिक्खजोणिया आइल्लविरहिया । सेसा सम्वे अपच्चक्खाणी जाव...वेमाणिया।
___A. 45. Gautama ! All the three. And so are men, all the three. The sub-human beings do not take the first type (i.e., they are never renounced, but unrenounced or renounced. in part). The rest, till the Vaimānikas, are unrenounced.
प्रश्न ४६-एएसि णं भंते ! जीवाणं पच्चक्खाणीणं जाव...विसेसाहिया
Q. 46.
Bhante !
How about the distribution of these ?
उत्तर ४६-गोयमा! सव्वत्थोवा जीवा पच्चक्खाणी पच्चक्खाणा