Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 9
तेयाकम्मासरीरगाणं देसबंधगाणं सव्वबंधगाणं अबंधगाणं य कयरे कायरोहितो माव...विसेसाहिया वा ?
Q. 392. Bhante ! Of all the living beings, with gross, fluid, caloric, fiery and kārman bodies, with a bondage of a part, a bondage of the whole and no bondage, which ones are less in number, till especially more?
उत्तर ३९२-गोयमा ! सव्वत्थोवा जीवा आहारगसरीरस्स सव्वबंधगा तस्स चेव देसबंधगा संखेज्जगुणा। वेउब्वियसरीरस्स सव्वबंधगा असंज्जगुणा तस्स चेव देसबंधगा असंखेज्जगुणा। तेय कम्मगाणं अवंधगा अणंतगुणा दोण्ह वि तुल्ला। ओरालियसरीरस्स सव्वबंधगा अणंतगुणा तस्स चेव अबंधगा विसे साहिया तस्स चेव देसबंधगा असंखेज्जगुणा। तेयाकम्मगाणं देसबंधगा विसेसाहिया। वेउव्वियसरीरस्स अबंधगा विसेसाहिया। आहारगसरीरस्स अबंधगा विसेसाहिया।
___A. 392. Gautama! Smallest in number are those with a caloric body with a bondage of the whole ; a countable times more are those with a bondage of a part. Innumerable times more than the second are those with a fluid body with a bondage of the whole ; innumerable times more than the third are those with a bondage of a part. An infinite times more than the fourth are those with a fiery body and with a kārman body with no bondage, and their numbers are similar. An infinite times more are those with a gross body with a bondage of a whole ; those with no bondage are especially more ; those with a bondage of a part are innumerable times more. Especially more are those with a kärman body with a bondage of a part ; especially more are those with a fluid body with no bondage ; also especially more are those with a caloric body with no bondage.
-सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! ति
Bhante ! So they are. So they are.
णवमो उद्देसो समत्तो। Chapter Nine ends.