भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उः ९
A. 322. Of living beings with a gross body, smallest in number are those who have the bondage of the whole ; those with no bondage are especially more ; those with the bondage of a part are innumerable times more.
[ Bondage due to the formation of fluid body
प्रश्न ३२३-वेउव्वियसरीरप्पओगबंधे णं भंते ! कइविहे पण्णते ?
Q. 323. Bhante ! How many types are the bondage due to the formation of a fluid body ?
उत्तर ३२३–गोयमा! दुविहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा-एगिंदियवेउब्वियसरीर प्पओगबंधे य पर्चेदियवेउव्वियसरीरप्पओगबंधे य।
A. 323. Gautama ! Two types, viz., bondage due to the formation of a fluid body wi h a single orgaß of sense and another with five organs of sense.
प्रश्न ३२४-जइ एगिंदियवेउव्वियसरीरप्पओगबंधे किं वाउकाइयएगिंदियसरीरप्पओगबंधे य अवाउक्काइयएगिंदियसरीरप्पओगबंधे य ?
Q. 324. Bhante ! As to the bondage due to the formation of a fluid body with a single organ of sense, is it relevant of the air bodies, or of species other than the air bodies ?
उत्तर ३२४ -एवं एएणं अभिलावेणं जहा ओगाहणसंठाणे वेउब्वियसरीरभेओ तहा भाणियव्वो जाव...पज्जत्तासक्ट्ठसिद्धअणुत्तरोववाइयकप्पाइयवेमाणियदेवपंचिंदियवेउब्वियसरीरप्पओगबंधे य अपज्जत्तसव्वट्ठसिद्ध जाव... पओगबंधे य।
A.324. Gautama ! On this, refer to Prajnapana Sutra (Pada 21) on fluid body, till the bondage of the fluid body of thc Sarvartha-siddha Anuttaraupapātika gods living beyond the kalpas, having five organs of sense and endowed with full attainments, and also similar gods who are not endowed with full attainments..