Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 8 Ch. 9
प्रश्न ३२५–वेउव्वियसरीरप्पओगबंधे णं भंते ! कस्स उदएणं?
Q. 325. Bhante ! Wbat karma gives rise to the bondage due to the formation of a fluid body ?
उत्तर ३२५-गोयमा ! वीरियसजोगसदव्वयाए जाव...आउय वा लद्धि वा पडुच्च वेउब्वियसरीरप्पओगणामाए कम्मस्स उदएणं वेउन्वियसरीरप्पओगबंधे।
A. 325. Gautama ! Karma giving rise to it are energy, activity of the mind, objects like atoms, till life-span and ocult power, and due to the rise of karma giving a name to a fluid body.
प्रश्न ३२६-वाउक्काइयएगिंदियवेउव्वियसरीरप्पओग-पुच्छा ?
Q. 326. Bhante ! What karma gives rise to the bondage due to the formation of a fluid air body with one organ of
sense ?
उत्तर ३२६-गोयमा ! वीरियसजोगसद्दव्वयाए एवं चेव जाव... लद्धिं पडुच्च वाउक्काइयएगिंदियवेउव्विय जाव...बंधे।
A. 326. Gautama ! Karma giving rise to it are energy, activity of the mind, objects like atoms, till life-span and ocult power, and the rise of karma giving a name to a fluid air body with one organ of sense.
प्रश्न ३२७–रयणप्पभापुढविणेरइयपंचिंदियवेउव्वियसरीरप्पओगबंधे णं मते ! कस्स कम्मस्स उदएणं?
Q. 327. Bhante ! What karma gives rise to the bondage due to the formation of a fluid body in the case of the inhabitants of the Ratnaprabhā hell with five organs of sense ?