Bhagavati Satra Bk. 8 Ch. 9
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उसप्पिणीओसप्पिणीओ कालओ खैत्तओ असंखेज्जा लोगा। एवं देसबंधंतरं पि उक्कोसेणं पुढविकालो ।
A. 321. Gutama ! For the bondage of the whole, the minimum is two smallest life-spans for the respective species minus three units of countable time and the maximum is an infinite time, consisting of an infinite number of upswings and down-swings of the time-cycle. Stated in terms of space it is as large as an infinite space, an innumerable turn of matter, or what is called pudgalaparävartana contained in an uncountable part of an avalika. For the bondage of a part, the minimum is the smallest life-span of the respective species plus a unit of countable time and the maximum is an infinite time, till an uncountable part of an avalika. What has been said of the earth bodies holds good of all beings, till human beings, minus plant life. For plant life, for the bondage of the whole, the minimum is two smallest lifespans less three units of countable time, and the maximum is an infinite time, an innumerable up-swings and downswings of the time-cycle, an infinite space in terms region. For the bondage of a part, (in case of plant life ), the minimum is a unit added to the smallest span, and the maximum is the same as that for the earth bodies, called pudhavi-kāla. (An infinite number of up-swings and down-swings of the time-cycle make one pudgala-parävartana. Innumerable units of countable time make one avalikā).
प्रश्न ३२२-एएसि णं भंते ! जीवाणं ओरालियसरीरस्स देसबंधगाणं सव्वबंध गाणं अबंधगाणं य कयरे कयरे जाव...विसेसाहिया वा ?
Q. 322. Bhante ! Of the gross body of living beings, considering bondage of a part, bondage of the whole and nobondage, which one is more, till especially more ?
उत्तर ३२२-गोयमा ! सव्वत्थोवा जीवा सम्वबंध गा अबंधगा विसेसाहिया देसबंधगा असंखेज्जगुणा ।