भगवती सूत्रम् सः ७ उः १
Q. 20. Bhante ! What is the meaning of food and drink being contaminated by angāra-dosa, dhuma-dosa and samyojanā-dosa ?
उत्तर २०–गोयमा! जेणं णिग्गंथे वा णिग्गंथी वा फासुएसणिज्जं असणपाणखाइमसाइमं पडिग्गाहेत्ता मुच्छिए गिद्धे गढिए अज्झोववण्णे आहारं आहारेइ एस णं गोयमा ! सइंगाले पाणभोयणे। जे णं णिग्गंथे वा णिग्गंथी वा फासुएसणिज्ज असणपाणखाइमसाइमं पडिग्गाहेत्ता मयाअप्पत्तियं कोहकिलामं करेमाणे आहारं आहारेइ एस णं गोयमा ! सधूमे पाणभोयणे। जे णं णिग्गंथे वा जाव...पडिग्गाहेत्ता गुणुप्पायणहेउं अण्णदव्वेणं सद्धिं संजोएत्ता आहारं आहारेइ एस णं गोयमा! संजोयणादोसदुठे पाणभोयणे। एस णं गोयमा ! सइंगालस्स सधुमस्स संजोयणादोसदुट्ठस्स पाणभोयणस्स अट्ठे पण्णत्ते ।
A. 20. Gutamai When a monk or a nun, having received food and drink, dainties and delicacies, pure and prescribed, eats them as if stupified with excessive greed, with deep involvement and profound attachment, then, Gautama, the food and drink have acquired angāra type of contamination. When a monk or a nun, having received food and drink, dainties and delicacies, pure and prescribed, eats them with profound dissatisfaction, being upset with rage and anger, then, Gautama, the food and drink have acquired dhuma type of contamination. When a monk or a nun, having received food and drink, dainties and delicacies, pure and prescribed, eats them by adding tastegiving substances, then, Gautama, the food and drink have acquired samyojanā type of contamination. Such is the implication, oh Gautama, of food and drink being contaminated by angāra-doșa, dhuma-daşa and samyojana-doşa.
प्रश्न २१-अह भंते ! वीतिंगालस्स वीयधूमस्स संजोयणादोसविप्पमुक्कस्स पाणभोयण्णस्स के अट्ठे पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 21. Bhante ! What is the meaning of food and drink being free from angara-dosa, dhuma-dosa and samyojana dosa ?