भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उ: ८
A. 270. Gautama ! At the time of rising, they look near though afar because of the radiation of the rays of the two suns; at midday, they look afar though near because of the heat of their rays ; at the time of setting, again, they look near though afar because of the radiation of their rays. Hence it is so.
प्रश्न २७१-जंबुद्दीवे णं भंते ! दीवे सूरिया किं तीयं खेत्तं गच्छंति पडुप्पण्णं खेत्तं गच्छंति अणागयं खेत्तं गच्छंति ?
Q. 271. Bhante ! Do the two suns in the Isle of Jambu tend to move towards the region which is past, or which is present, or which is to be the future ?
उत्तर २७१-गोयमा ! णो तोय खेत्तं गच्छंति पड़प्पण्णं खेत्तं गच्छंति णो अणागयं खेत्तं गच्छंति ।
A. 271. Gautama ! Not the region which is pa t, not that which is going to be the future, but only that whieh is present.
प्रश्न २७२-जंदुद्दीवे णं दीवे सूरिया किं तीयं खेत्तं ओभासंति पडुप्पण्णं खेत्तं ओभासंति अणागयं खेत्तं ओभासंति ?
Q, 272. Bhante ! Do the two suns in the Isle of Jambu tend to shine the region which is past, or which is present, or which is going to be the future ?
ओभासंति पडुप्पण्णं खेत्तं
उत्तर २७२-गोयमा ! णो तीयं खेत्तं ओभासंति णो अणागयं खेत्तं ओभासंति ।
A. 272. Gautama ! Not the region which is past, nor that which is going to be the future, but only that which is present over which they shine.
प्रश्न २७३-तं भंते ! किं पुढं ओभासंति अपुढं ओभासंति ?
Q. 273. Bhante ! Do they shine what is touched, or what is not touched ?