Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 6
What has been said of the fluid body does hold of the caloric, fiery and kärman bodies, four statements for each.
प्रश्न २३१ - जाव... वेमाणिया णं भंते! कम्मगसरी रेहिंतो कइ किरिया ?
Q. 231. Bhante ! Relative to the kärman body of many, how many activities do the Vaimānikas perform?
उत्तर २३१ - गोयमा ! तिकिरिया वि चउकिरिया वि ।
three and
A. 231.. Gautama ! Sometimes four. (To be stated upto this. )
- सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! त्ति ।
Bhante ! So they are.
You are right.
छट्ठो उद्देसो समत्तो ।
Chapter Six ends.