सत्तमो उद्देसो Chapter Seven
(a dialogue between senior monks and heretics. ] तेणं कालेणं तेणं समएणं रायगिहे णयरे (वण्णओ) गुणसिलए चेइए (वण्णओ ) जाव...पुढविसिलावट्टओ। तस्स णं गुणसिलस्स चेइयस्स अदूरसामंते बहवे अण्णउत्थिया परिवसंति । तेणं कालेणं तेणं समएणं समणे भगवं महावीरे आइगरे जाव...समोसढे। जाव...परिसा पडिगया। तेणं कालेणं तेणं समएणं समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स बहवे अंतेवासी थेरा भगवंतो जाइसंपण्णा कुलसंपण्णा जहा बिइयसए जाव...जीवियासमरणभयविप्पमुक्का समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स अदूरसामंते उड्ढंजाणू अहोसिरा झाणकोट्ठोवगया संजमेणं तवसा अप्पाणं भावेमाणे जाव...विहरति ।
In that period, at that time, there was a city named Rājagsha. Description, Outside the city, there was a park named Gunasilaka. Description. In that park, there was a slab of (black) stone. Near the said park, neither very near nor far from it, there lived many monks belonging to the order of heretics. In that period at that time, Šramana Bhagavān Mahävira who had reorganised the spiritual order (tirtha ) arrived there. People flocked to hear his sermons, and having done so, they went back. In that period, at that time, Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra had many disciples who were born in high, maternal and paternal lines, who had no attachment for life and who had overcome the fear of death. They were seated neither very near nor very far from Bhagavān Mahāvira, with their knees up and heads bent low, meditating and firmly rooted in restraint and penance. तएणं ते अण्णउत्थिया जेणेव थेरा भगवंतो तेणेव उवागच्छति । उवागच्छित्ता ते थेरे भगवंतं एवं वयासी-तुब्भे णं अज्जो ! तिविहं तिविहेणं असंजयविरयप्पडिहय...जहा सत्तमसए बिइए उद्देसए जाव...एगंतबाला या वि भवह।