भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उः ६
Q. 228. Bhante ! Relative to the gross bodies of other living beings, how many activities do many an infernal being perform ?
उत्तर २२८-गोयमा ! तिकिरिया वि चउकिरिया वि पंचकिरिया वि । एवं जाव...वेमाणिया । णवरं मणुस्सा जहा जीवा ।
A. 228. Gautama ! Sometimes three, sometimes four and sometimes five. And like this, till the Vaimānikas. Human beings are like five-organ beings.
प्रश्न २२९-जीवे णं भंते ! वेउव्वियसरीराओ कइकिरिए ?
Q. 229. Bhante ! Relative to the fluid body of a llving being, how many activities does a five-organ being perform ?
उत्तर २२९-गोयमा! सिय तिकिरिए सिय चउकिरिए सिय अकिरिए।
A. 229. Gautama ! Sometimes three and sometimes four, and sometimes no activity.
प्रश्न २३०–णेरइए णं भंते ! वेउव्वियसरीराओ,कइकिरिए ?
Q. 230. Bhante ! Relative to the fluid body of a living being, how many activities does an infernal being perform ?
उत्तर २३०-गोयमा ! सिय तिकिरिए सिय चउकिरिए एवं जाव... वेमाणिए । णवरं मणुस्से जहा जीवे। एवं जहा ओरालियसरीरेणं चत्तारि दंडगा भणिया तहा वेउबियसरीरेण वि चत्तारि दंडगा भाणियव्वा । णवरं पंचमकिरिया ण भण्णइ । सेसं तं चेव। एवं जहा वेउव्वियं तहा आहारगं पि तेयगं पि कम्मगं पि भाणियव्वं। एककेके चत्तारि दंडगा भाणियव्वा ।
A. 230. Gautama ! Sometimes three and sometimes four. And like this, tiil the Vaimāpikas. Human beings are like five-organ beings. The same four statements as stated above for the gross body will also apply to the fluid body, except the fifth activity (which is not to be stated). The rest as aforesaid.