Bhagavati Sutra Bk.
Ch. 2
उत्तर १७०-गोयमा! से समासओ चउबिहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा-दव्वओ खेत्तो कालओ भावओ। दवओ णं सुयणाणी उवउत्ते सव्वदव्वाइं जाणाइ पासइ। एवं खेत्तओ वि एवं कालो वि एवं भावओ णं सुयणाणी उवउत्ते सव्वभावे जाणइ पासइ।
A. 170. In brief, four, viz., as object, space, time and cognition. As to object, one with scriptural knowledge appropriately knows and sees all objects, and so also as to space, time and cognition.
प्रश्न १७१-ओहिणाणस्स णं भंते ! केवइए विसए पण्णते ?
Q. 171. Bhante ! What is the range / sphere of supersensory knowledge ?
उत्तर १७१-गोयमा! से समासओ चउव्विहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा-दव्वओं खेत्तओ कालओ भावओ। दव्वओ णं ओहिणाणी रूविदव्वाइं जाणइ पासइ जहा णंदीए जाव...भावओ।
A. 171. Gautama ! In brief, four, viz., as object, space, time and cognition. As to object, one with extra-sensory knowledge knows and sees all tangible objects, as stated in the Nandi Sutra, till cognition.
प्रश्न १७२-मणपज्जवणाणस्स णं भंते ! केवइए विसए पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 172. Bhante ! What is the range | sphere of psychological knowledge ?
उत्तर १७२- गोयमा ! से समासओ चउविहे पण्णत्ते तं जहादव्व ओ खेत्तओ कालो भावओ। दव्वओ णं उज्जुमइ अणंते अणंतपएसिए जहा गंदीए जाव...भावओ।
A. 172. Gautama ! In brief, four, viz., as object, space, time and cognition. As to object, a simple-hearted person endowed with psychological knowledge knows and sees an infinite number of atom-clusters over infinite regions rendered