भगवती सूत्रम् स. ८ उ: २
Q. 167. Bhante ! What about those who take food ? उत्तर १६७-जहा सकसाई। णवरं केवलणाणं वि ।
A. 167. They are similar to those who have passions, speciality being that some among them may have even supreme knowledge.
प्रश्न १६८-अणाहारगाणं भंते ! जीवा किं पाणी अण्णाणी ?
Q. 168. Bhante ! Are those who do not take fcod endowed with knowledge, or with non-knowledge ?
जाणाइ उत्तर १६८-मणपज्जवणाणवज्जाई, अण्णाणाणि य तिण्णि भयणाए ।
A. 168. (They may have) upto four types of knowledge; except psychological, and upto three of non-knowledge.
प्रश्न १६६-आभिणिबोहियणाणस्स णं भंते ! केवइए विसए पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 169. Bhante ! What perceptual knowledge ?
range / sphere
उत्तर १६९-गोयमा ! से समासओ चउन्विहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा-दव्वओ खेत्तओ कालो भावओ। दव्वओ णं आभिणिबोहियणाणी आएसेणं सव्वदब्वाइं जाणइ पासइ । खेत्तओ णं आभिणिबोहियणाणी आएसेणं सब्वखेत्तं जाणइ पासइ । एवं कालओ वि एवं भावओ वि।
A. 169. Gautama ! In brief, it is stated to have four facets, viz., as object, space. time and cognition (bhāva). As to object, one with perception easily knows and sees all objects as simple objects, and so also as to space, time and cognition.
प्रश्न १७०-सुयणाणस्स णं भंते ! केवइए विसए पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 170. Bhante ! What is the range / sphere of scriptural knowledge.