Bhagavati Statra Bk. 8 Ch. 2
उत्तर १६३-जहा सइंदिया। एवं जाव...पम्हलेस्सा। सुक्कालेस्सा जहा सलेस्सा। अलेस्सा जहा सिद्धा ।
A. 163. (They are) similar to those who have sense organs. And like this, till pink tinge. Those with a white tinge are similar to those with a tinge. Those without a tinge are like the perfected beings.
प्रश्न १६४-सकसाई णं भंते... !
Q. 164. Bhante ! What about those with passions ? उत्तर १६४-जहा सइंदिया । एवं जाव...लोभकसाई ।
A. 164. (They are) similar to those with sense organs, till those having the passion of greed.
प्रश्न १६५-अक्साइ णं भंते ? किं णाणी... ?
Are those without passions endowed
Q. 165 Bhante ! with knowledge, etc. ?
उत्तर १६५-पंचणाणाई भयणाए ।
A. 165. (They may have) upto five types of knowledge.
प्रश्न १६६-सवेयगा णं भंते... !
Q. 166. Bhante! What about those with sex ?
उत्तर १६६-जहा सइंदिया। एवं इत्थिवेयगा वि । एवं पुरिसवेयंगा वि। एवं णपुंसगवेयगा वि । अवेयगा जहा अकसाई।
A. 166. They are similar to those with sense organs. So of women, so of men, so of eunuchs. Those without a sex are like the perfected beings.
प्रश्न १६७-आहारगा णं भंते ! जीवा... ?