भगवती सूत्रम् स८ उ:२
joto psyshological terms, as stated in the Nandi Sütra, till cognition.
प्रश्न १७३ -केवलणाणस्स णं भंते ! केवइए विसए पण्णते ?
What is the range / sphere of supreme
Q. 173. Bhante ! knowledge ?
उत्तर १७३–गोयमा! से समासओ चउबिहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा–दव्वओ खेत्तओ कालओ भावओ। दव्वओ णं केवलणाणी सव्वदव्वाइं जाणइ पासइ । एवं जाव...भावओ।
A. 173. Gautama ! In brief, four, viz., as object, space, time and cognition. As to object, one endowed with supreme knowledge knows and sees all objects, and like this, till cognition.
प्रश्न १७४-मइअण्णाणस्स णं भंते! केवइए विसए पण्णते ?
Q. 174. Bhante ! What is the range / sphere of perceptual non-knowledge ?
उत्तर १७४-गोयमा ! से समासओ चउव्विहे पण्णते तं उहा-दव्वओ खेत्तओ कालओ भावओ। दवओ णं मइअण्णाणी मइअण्णाणपरिगयाइं दवाई जाणइ पासइ । एवं जाव...भावओ मइअण्णाणी मइअण्णाणपरिगए भावे जाणइ पासइ ।
A. 174. Gautama ! In brief, four, viz., as object, space, time and cognition. As to object, one endowed with perceptual nonknowledge knows and sees all objects within its scope, and like this, till cognition.
प्रश्न १७५-सुयअण्णाणस्स णं भंते ! केवइए विसए पण्णत्ते ?
Q. 175. Bhante ! What is the range / sphere of scriptural non-knowledge ?
उत्तर १७५–गोयमा ! से समासओ चउबिहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा-दव्वओ