भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उः १
Q. 55. rough ?
Bhante ! If it be touch, then, is it harsh, till
उत्तर ५५-गोयमा ! कक्खडफासपरिणए जाव...लुक्खफासपरिणए। A. 55. Gautama ! All, till rough. प्रश्न ५६-जइ संठाणपरिणए...पुच्छा ?
Q. 56. Bhante ! If it be shape, then, is it circular, till rectangular ?
उत्तर ५६-गोयमा ! परिमंडलसंठाणपरिणए वा जाव...आययसंठाणपरिणए वा।
A. 56. Gautama ! All, till rectangular.
[ transformation when two objects are involved ] प्रश्न ५७-दो भंते ! दव्वा किं पओगपरिणया मीसापरिणया वीससापरिणया ?
Q. 57. Bhante ! When two objects are involved, are they formed by matter consciously transformed, matter as a mixture, or matter spontaneously transformed ?
उत्तर ५७-गोयमा! पओगपरिणया वा मीसापरिणया वा वीससा परिणया वा। अहवा एगे पओगपरिणए एगे मीसापरिणए। अहवा एगे पओगपरिणए एगे वीससापरिणए । अहवा एगे मीसापरिणए एगे वीससापरिणए एवं (६)।
___A. 57. Gautama ! May be by matter consciously transformed, or as a mixture, or spontaneously transformed; or one may be formed by matter consciously transformed and another by matter as a mixture ; or one by matter consciously transformed and another by matter spontaneously transformed ; or one by matter as a mixture and another by matter spontaneously transformed. (six forms)