भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उः १
उत्तर ४४-गोयमा ! वाउकाइयएगिंदिय जाव...परिणए णो अवाउक्काइय जाव...परिणए। एवं एएणं अभिलावेणं जहा ओगाहणसंठाणे वेउव्वियसरीरं भणियं तहा इह वि भाणियव्वं जाव...पज्जत्तसव्वट्ठसिद्धअणुत्तरोववाइयकप्पाईयवेमाणियदेवपंचिंदियवेउब्वियसरीरकायप्पओगपरिणए वा अपज्जत्तसव्वट्ठसिद्धअणुत्तरोववाईय जाव...परिणए वा ।
A. 44. Gautama ! It is relevant only of an air-body with one sense organ, and none else. Details are containedin Avagāhana-samsthāna Pada on the fluid body in the Prajnapana Sutra, till Sarvārthasiddha Anuttaraupapatika gods, with or without full attainments.
प्रश्न ४५-जइ वेउब्वियमीसासरीरकायप्पओगपरिणए कि एगिदिंयमीसासरीरकायप्पओगपरिणए जाव...पंचिंदियमीसासरीरकायप्पओगपरिणए ?
Q. 45. Bhante ! If there is a conscious transformation of matter in the fluid-cum-mixed body, then, is it relevant of an one-organ being, or, till of a five-organ being ?
उत्तर ४५-गोयमा ! एवं जहा वेउब्वियं तहा वेउन्वियमीसगं वि । णवरं देवणेरइयाणं अपज्जत्तगाणं सेसाणं पज्जत्तगाणं तहेव जाव...णो पज्जत्तसव्वट्ठसिद्धअणुत्तरोवाइय जाव...परिणए अपज्जत्तसब्बट्ठसिद्धअणुत्तरोववाइयदेवपंचिंदियवे उब्वियमोसासरीरकायप्पओगपरिणए ।
A. 45. Gautama ! What has been said about the fluid body should be repeated for the fluid-cum-mixed body, speciality being, it is without full attainments in the case of the heavenly and infernal beings, but with full attainments for the rest, till Sarvārthasiddha Anuttaraupapātika gods who are not with full attainments, but without full attainments.
प्रश्न ४६-जइ आहारगसरीरकायप्पओगपरिणए किं मणुस्साहारगसरीर• . कायप्पओगपरिणए अमणुस्साहारग जाव...परिणए ?
Q. 46. Bhante ! If there is a conscious transformation