Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 1
mind applies also to an untruthful mind, also to a truthfuluntruthful mind, also to a non-truthful non-untruthful mind.
प्रश्न ३२ - जइ वइप्पओगपरिणए किं सच्चवइप्पगपरिणए मोसवइओगपरिणए ?
Q. 32. Bhante ! Assuming that the object in view which is consciously transformed is speech, is it truthful speech, untruthful speech, truthful-untruthful speech or non-truthful non-untruthful speech?
उत्तर ३२-एवं जहा मणप्पओगपरिणए तहा वयप्पऔगपरिणए वा जाव... असमारंभ वइप्पओगपरिणए वा ।
A. 32. Gautama ! As in the case of mind, so in the case of speech, till remorse for not having indulged in
प्रश्न ३३ – जइ कायप्पओगपरिणए किं ओरालियसरीरकायनओगपरिणए ओरालियमीसासरीरकायप्पअरोगपरिणए वेउव्त्रियसरीरका यप्पओगपरिणए वेउव्वियमीसासरीरका यप्पओगपरिणए आहारगसरीरकायनओगपरिणए आहारगमीसासरीरका पओगपरिणए कम्मासरीरका यप ओगपरिणए ?
Q. 33. Bhante ! When there is a conscious transformation of matter as the body, is it relevant of the gross body or grosscum-mixed body, fluid body or fluid-cum-mixed body, caloric body or caloric-cum-mixed body, or kārman body ?
उत्तर ३३ - गोयमा ! कम्मासरीरकायप्पओगपरिणए वा ।
ओरालिय सरीरकायप्पओगपरिणए वा जाव....
A. 33. Gautama ! Of all, from gross, till kārman body. प्रश्न ३४ - जइ ओरालियसरीरकायप्पओगपरिणए किं एगिंदियओरालियसरीरकायप्पओगपरिणए एवं जाव... पंचिंदियओरालिय जाव... परिणए ?
Q. 34. Bhante ! When there is a conscious transfor