Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8. Ch. 1
A. 26. Gautama ! Five types, viz., as colour, as smell as taste, as touch and as structure. The colour of matter spontaneously transformed may be of five types, black, till white. Its smell may be of two types, pleasant and unpleasant. And repeat all that has been stated in the Prajñāpanā Sūtra, till rectangular in shape, till black in hue and rough in touch.
[ on transformation of one object ] प्रश्न २७-एगे भंते ! दव्वे किं पओगपरिणए मीसापरिणए वीससापरिणए ?
Q. 27. Bhante ! Is an object (dravya) consciously transformed, spontaneously transformed or a mixture of the two ?
उत्तर २७-गोयमा! पओगपरिणए वा मीसापरिणए वा वीससापरिणए
A. 27. Gautama ! It may be consciously transformed, at well as spontaneously transformed as well as a mixture.
प्रश्न २८-जइ पओगपरिणए कि मणप्पओगपरिणए वयप्पओगपरिणए कायप्पओगपरिणए?
Q. 28. Bhante ! If an object is consciously transformed, then is it relevant of mind, or of speech, or of body ?
उत्तर २८-गोयमा ! मणप्पओगपरिणए वा वयप्पओगपरिणए वा कायप्पओगपरिणए वा।
___A. 28. Gautama ! of mind, as well as of speech, as well as of body. .
प्रश्न २६-जइ मणप्पओगपरिणए कि सच्चमणप्पओगपरिणए मोसमणप्पओगपरिणए सच्चामोसमणप्पओगपरिणए असच्चामोसमणप्पओगपरिणए ?
Q. 29. Bhante ! Assuming that it is relevant of mind, is it relevant of a truthful mind, of an untruthful mind,