भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उ: १
पज्जत्ताबायरवाउकाइअएगिंदियप्पओगपरिणया ते ओरालियवेउव्वियतेयाकम्मसरीर जाव...परिणया। सेसं तं चेव। जे अपज्जत्तरयणप्पभापुढविणेरइयपंचिंदियपओगपरिणया ते वेउव्वियातेयाकम्मसरीरप्पओगपरिणया। एवं पज्जत्तगा वि। एवं जाव...अहेसत्तमा। जे अपज्जत्तासमुच्छिमजलयर जाव...परिणया ते ओरालियतेयाकम्मसरीर जाव...परिणया। एवं पज्जत्तगा वि। गब्भवक्कंतियअपज्जत्तगा एवं चेव। पज्जत्तगा णं एवं चेव । णवरं सरीरगाणि चत्तारि जहा बायरवाउक्काइआणं पज्जत्तगाणं । एवं जहा जलयरेसु चत्तारि आलावगा भणिया एवं चउप्पयउरपरिसप्पभुयपरिसप्पखहयरेसु वि चत्तारि आलावगा भाणियव्वा । जे संमुच्छिममणुस्सपंचिंदियपओगपरिणया ते ओरालियतेयाकम्मसरीर जाव...परिणया । एवं गब्भवक्कंतिया वि। अपज्जत्तगा वि एवं चेव । णवरं सरीरगाणि पंच भाणियव्वाणि । जे अपज्जत्ताअसुरकुमारभवणवासि...जहा रइया तहेव । एवं पज्जत्तगा वि। एवं दुयएणं भेएणं जाव...थणिय कुमारा। एवं पिसाया जाव...गंधव्वा चंदा जाव...ताराविमाणा सोहम्मकप्पो जाव...अच्चुओ हेठिमहिठिमगेवेज्ज जाव...उवरिमउवरिमगेवेज्ज विजयअणुत्तरोववाइए जाव...सव्वट्ठसिद्धअणुत्तरोववाइए। एक्केक्के णं दुयओ भेओ भाणियन्वो जाव...जे य पज्जत्तासव्वट्ठसिद्धअणुत्तरोववाइअ जाव...परिणया ते वेउन्वियतेयाकम्मासरीरपओगपरिणया।
Consciously transformed matter found in fine one-organ earth bodies without full attainments takes gross, fiery and kārman bodies. Consciously transformed matter found in the fine, one-organ earth bodies with full attainments takes thel form of gross, fiery and kārman bodies. This holds, till the four-organ beings, exception being the coarse one-oglan air bodies which take gross, fluid, fiery and kār.nan bordes. The rest as aforesaid. Consciously transformed matter found in the five-organ infernal beings of Ratnaprabhā hell who are without full attainments takes fluid, fiery and kārman bodies. And so also those with full attainments, and so in all the seven hells. Consciously transformed matter in the case of the aquatics born without mating who are without full attainments takes gross, fiery and kärman bodies ; and the same holds of aquatics born without mating who are with full attainments ; and also of aquatics