Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 8 Ch. 1
born from the mother's womb, without full attainments, exception being aquatics born from the mother's womb and with full attainments, who, like birds flying in the air, take four body forms. Like the last item, the quadrupeds, the reptiles crawling on their breast, those crawling on their arms and aerial (flying) animals, all take four body forms. Consciously transformed matter found in the fiveorgan human beings born without mating, with or without full attainments, takes gross, fiery and kārman bodies ; so also those born from the mother's womb and witho. t full attainments ; but those with full attainments take five body forms. What has been said of the infernal beings should be repeated for the heavenly beings, from Asura. kumāras, till Stanitkumāras, with as well as without full attainments ; the Piśācas, till the Vyantaras, the moons, till the stars, the denizens of Saudharmakalpa, till Sarvārthasiddha, with as well as without full attainments, all of them take fluid, fiery and kārman bodies.
चउत्थो दंडगो जे अपज्जत्तासुहुमपुढ विक्काइयएगिंदियपओगपरिणया ते फासिंदियप्पओगपरिणया। जे पज्जत्तासुहमपुढविक्काइय...एवं चेव। जे अपज्जत्ताबायरपुढविक्काइय...एवं चेव। एवं पज्जत्तगा वि। एवं चउक्कएणं भेएणं जाव... वणस्सइकाइया। जे अपज्जत्ताबेइंदियपयोगपरिणया ते जिभिंदियफासिंदियपओगपरिणया। जे पज्जत्ताबेइंदिय...एवं चेव। एवं जाव...चउरिंदिया । णवरं एक्केक्कं इंदियं वड्ढेयव्वं जाव...अपज्जत्तरयणप्पभापुढविणेरइयपंचिंदियपओगपरिणया ते सोइंदियचखिदियघाणिंदियजिभिंदियफासिंदियपओगपरिणया। एवं पज्जत्तगा वि। एवं सब्वे भाणियव्वा तिरिक्खजोणियमणुस्सदेवा जाव...जे पज्जत्तासव्वट्ठसिद्धअणुत्तरोववाइअ जाव...परिणया ते सोइंदियचखिदिय जाव....परिणया ।
Section (Dandaka) Four
[ regarding sense organs ]
Consciously transformed matter taking the form