भगवती सूत्रम् सः ८ उः १
प्रश्न १९ – संमुच्छिम जलयरतिरिक्ख... पुच्छा ?
Q. 19. And what about the aquatics born without
_mating ?
उत्तर १९ - गोयमा ! दुविहा पण्णत्ता तं जहा - पज्जत्तग अपज्जत्तग । एवं गब्भवक्कंतिया वि। संमुच्छिमचउप्पयथलयरा एवं चैव । एवं गब्भवक्कंतिया वि । एवं जाव... २ . संमुच्छिमखहयर गब्भवक्कंतिया य । एक्केक्के पज्जत्तगा अपज्जत्तगा य भाणियव्वा ।
A. 19. Gautama ! The same two, with and without full attainments; and so of the quadrupeds living on the soil and born one way or the other, till sub-human beings living in the air born one way or the other. For each species, state whether with or without full attainments.
प्रश्न २० – संमुच्छिम मणुस्सपंचिंदिय... ?
Q. 20. And what about the five-organ human beings born without mating ?
उत्तर २० – गोयमा ! एगविहा पण्णत्ता- अपज्जत्तगा चेव ।
A. 20. Gautama? They are stated to be of one type, which is, without full attainments.
प्रश्न २१ – गब्भवक्कं तियमणुस्सपं चिंदिय... पुच्छा ?
Q. 21. And what about the five organ human beings born from the mother's womb ?
उत्तर २१ – गोयमा ! दुविहा पण्णत्ता तं जहा - पज्जत्तगगब्भवकं तिया वि अपज्जत्तगगब्भवक्कंतिया वि ।
A. 21. Gautama ! Two types, viz., with and without full attainments.