भगवती सूत्र शः ३ उ: २
homage and obeisance; and having paid me homage and obeisance, he submitted as follows:
Bhante! Having taken shelter with thee, Camara, the Indra of the Asuras, their king, had come to destroy my grandeur. So, by being angry with him, I hurled my thunderbolt to kill him. But after I had done so, I thought that surely Camara, the Indra of the Asuras, their king,... till saw through my avadhi knowledge, and beheld thee, and then burst forth these words through my lips: 'Alas! What have I done? I am undone !' And thereon I rushed forth with excellent (divine speed). till I arrived unto thee, the beloved of the gods, and (goodluck prevailing,) could withhold my thunder-bolt at a distance of four fingers from thee. So I have come here, I have moved myself to this place, I have arrived here, I have reached here, to withhold my thunder-bolt. Bhante! For my fault, I beg to be forgiven by thee. Oh beloved of the gods! Forgive me. Oh beloved of the gods! It behoves thy gracious goodness to pardon me. You are noble enough to do so. I assure you, I will never repeat such a conduct.
So saying, he paid me homage and obeisance; and having paid me homage and obeisance, he moved, to the north-east, and then thumped on the ground thrice with his left leg, and said the following words to Camara, the Indra of the Asuras, their king:
Oh Camara, the Indra of the Asuras, their king! Saved is your life to-day by the grace of Śramana Bhagavan Mahāvira. Now, entertain no fear from me.
So saying, he went away in the direction from which he had emerged.
[deva's power to withhold]
भंते! त्ति भगवं गोयमे समणं भगवं महावीरं वंदइ णमंसइ वंदित्ता णमंसित्ता एवं वयासी :